Saturday, August 23, 2008

Mama's Boy

We all know that I have it bad for Silvio. There is something about these sons of mine that just about melts my heart any time of day. Not that I do not feel the same way for Sofia, but she and I have a unique connection that only girls can experience. I will save that for another post. When I was first pregnant with Silvio, I went to see my Reiki Master, Kirsten. I was excited to see her because I wanted her take on the little being growing in my body. I had felt a lot of feminine energy, but it did not quite feel like a girl, so I was very confused. Kirsten first asked me what I thought I was having, and I told her about this mixed message I was experiencing, and she laughed and said "Oh, well, it's a boy with a lot of feminine energy." Of course. She went on to talk about his amazing soul and that he was a special individual that would change my family and bring more balance. She also said that he would definitely be my "mama's boy." Not that Luca does not love me, but I would never call him a "mama's boy." Rather, he is more enamored with Daddy and other men. So when Kirsten shared her insight, I felt a little tingle and felt even more connected to the little soul growing, who we would name Silvio. The first few months were rough, and I had a difficult time connecting with Kirsten's insight. Silvio was in pain and cried so much that I felt like he could not express his true spirit. I knew it was there, but I was exhausted and preoccupied with the other kids, so I too had a hard time feeling our special connection. Now that Silvio is six months old and is quite the smiley, happy guy I completely understand the whole "mama's boy" thing. He melts me at any time of the day. My dear friend Kristen adores Silvio and she and I agreed the other day that he got something truly amazing about him. (Hopefully she will have a baby soon...but until then she gets to enjoy mine!). I am reveling in our extraordinary connection and feel truly grateful that he came into our lives. I know that his spirit entered this world at such a crazy time in my life, but he was meant to change me and he has. I feel like he has softened me in such a unique way and definitely created more spiritual balance in our home. I look forward to the continual exploration of love, joy, and spirit with my little Silvio.


Janine Evans said...

wow. that's so cool. it's really amazing to read your insights about how your children have changed your life just by entering it. :) I have much to look forward to.

Nay-Nay said...

I'm SO glad that the Nug has come through all the struggles as a happy healthy little boy. I remember you going through so much with him when he was first born - I only wish I could have been there to help ease the insanity. Your love and tenacity as a parent have made him the happy chunk that he is now - you should be a very proud mommy! I can't wait to get to know him better. love and miss.