Sunday, July 20, 2008

Zoo Adventures

My in-laws came out to visit and to be here for Steffie's wedding. It was so nice to see them and for the kids to spend some time with Grammie and Grandpa. We decided to go to the Zoo one morning and Rich and Robiny were so kind as to buy us a membership. Yay! The kids loved seeing the giraffes and gorillas especially. They were most excited about the carousel and Sofia was delighted that she got to ride a kitty, her favorite. Luca is happy to ride a "horsie that goes up and down." The kids seemed to loose interest fairly quickly, so we need to go back to see the rest of the zoo. We had a wonderful time and are thrilled that we can now go back whenever we like (thank you Grammie and Grandpa!). We are so sad that they live far away but look forward to our next visit!

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