I know that we are not supposed to compare our children to other children, but we all do it. We want to make sure that our children are developing properly and that we are dong everything we can to enhance and encourage learning and growth. So, naturally we look around us at other children to measure our child's progression. I compare Silvio to Sofia and Luca.
Sofia walked around 13.5 months while Luca walked at 11.5. Luca was incredibly verbal and was always ahead of the curve with all of his skills, so I never had to worry about him. Sofia was a bit slower with her vocabulary, but within a few months, she was talking up a storm and has not stopped since. So, then comes along the little Nug and one would think I would be fairly laid back about all of these milestones, but I'm not. More than anything, I sometimes feel like it is partially my fault that he is not walking nor speaking much. I do not have a lot of time with him because I am dividing my time between all three kids. Sofia and Luca are in a place where they need a lot of attention, and the Nug likes to play with a plastic bottle for an hour, so I tend to leave him be. He will be 18 months next week, and he is still not walking. He is called a baby at the park because he crawls around. I finally bought him shoes because I refused to buy him another pair of Robeez, so he will walk around holding one finger. As soon as I let go, he drops immediately to the ground. He has taken a step here and there but with much encouragement. He doesn't seem incredibly interested in walking and as wee approach that 18-month mark, I am feeling a bit uneasy. I know that he will walk, but it's hard not to feel nervous and anxious about these milestones.
Thankfully, the little guy has begun to say a few things here and there. He has signed over the last few months, but not consistently and on his own terms. Silvio does not parrot words, nor will he wave, smile, or clap on demand. He is definitely an independent spirit and a bit shy, so he will communicate when he feels ready to. This has been hard for me when I see other children his age using 2-3 words at a time, walking around, and waving at the universe. Silvio is not the social bug that Luca was and continues to be, nor is he the poised, articulate, emotionally connected little girl that Sofia is. Silvio is my little scientist and an observer who is fascinated by the way things fit together. He loves to draw and is almost holding his pen correctly. Yesterday he scooched over to the sink area, opened the cabinet, and put a piece of paper in the recycling bin. So, I know that he is definitely absorbing information; he is just not a performer. Over the last few days, he has begun to say "all done," "please," "up," "thank you," and "mama" and "dada." He is using all of these words regularly rather than the screaming and pointing he was using previously to get our attention. I like the words much better.
Silvio and I have such a deep connection and I need to remind myself of how incredibly unique this little guy is. He is teaching us to be patient, to take our time, and to believe in the small stuff. As 18 months comes and goes, I am holding close that the milestones are a framework that don't fit every child. The Nug is beyond that framework, and is working towards brilliance in his own way.
I am always so impressed by how well you know each of your children. You comment on their personalities as though you've known them for 50 years. It's so awesome.
And you know that all this emphasis on these milestones are fairly arbitrary . . . Silvio has been his own kid from conception, and is so communicative and connected to your family.
So much fun with you tonight . . . see you in just a few short hours for rehearsal! xo
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