We have been in such a crazy place these last few months amidst construction and 3 growing, ever changing children. Luca has dropped his nap, for the most part, which has been a huge adjustment for me. I was just so used to that down time in the middle of the day. Although Sofia has not napped for a few months now, she will watch a short show and move on to quiet play, drawing most of the time. Meanwhile, I would madly rush around the house cleaning, tidying, folding laundry- all of the luxurious duties of a housewife. Now that Luca is not napping, the two of them spend that time running around, chasing each other, screaming, laughing, and often fighting. I don't feel like I have much time at all to get anything done around here, much less sit for even a minute. This is quite an adjustment for me.
Since Luca is no longer napping, he becomes a wild, uncontrollable creature at the end of the day. His behavior is more animal-like than human and he truly cannot control himself. Sofia is exhausted as well, so the two of them get wrapped up in each other's frantic energy and seem to lose the ability to listen. I am also so tired by 5:00 and feel ready for bed time. The end of the day becomes a mad rush toward bed and my glass of wine. I have been feeling so overwhelmed by the transition and I have been struggling to find balance in the chaos. I know that it is what it is and I have to take all of this madness as it comes. As I sit here blogging, Sofia is quietly watching "Miss Spider's Sunny Patch Kids" and the boys are taking a nap. We are trying to enforce "quiet time" with Sofia and Luca, and Luca fell asleep. He so exhausted from not resting during the day, that he crashed when given the opportunity. He plays, runs, laughs, lives so hard and often has a hard time resting. Luca is so full of life and is ready to conquer the world- he just doesn't want to miss a thing. I am glad that today, he is resting and getting ready to bounce off the walls later. I am enjoying this little break, this little tidbit of time to write some thoughts and reflect on today. Sofia just ate a cookie which was her reward for staying in her bed during "quiet time" and she still has chocolate on her mouth. She has all of her favorite dolls and toys on the table. She has decorated her "princess swing" with lots of necklaces and jewels. She is such girl sweetness in all of its glory.
As I face the next 2 weeks of no school (yikes!), I am tapping into the freedom that comes without naps. Silvio still naps, but of course, he is flexible as I am as well and will nap in the car or in the morning. I am embracing the ability to take a day somewhere, possibly a trip to a place where the sun shines and revel in our lack of schedule. Leaving for the day feels like I am cutting class and speeding to the beach on a warm day. Rather I have a full diaper bag packed, a mini van loaded with kids, and I am off to Fairyland. I am taking it day by day, soaking up the freedom of a napless life.
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