We are in the middle of major construction and it just plain sucks. We are expanding our space and creating a master bedroom downstairs with a walk through area that will include laundry and a desk. We also have put in radiant heat throughout the house and a tankless water system. It will be amazing when it is done, but I have no idea when that will be. At any given time, there are 2 to 3 people downstairs banging, sawing, and listening to loud music. At this point there is no door to separate the downstairs, so the noise travels into our space and makes me crazy. as if three children do not create enough chaos, I am dealing with the constant hum of strange voices and machines. I feel like I am going crazy. One day, we didn't have hot water and the next day we had no water at all. Really not fun.
We all know that construction is mostly miserable, but for a stay-at-home mom with 3 kids who spends most of her time in her house, it is down right insane. I have been trying to leave every afternoon, so that we can have some space from all of it. I just have to remind myself of how great it will be when we have our own space downstairs and the kids have some more room upstairs. This will be the first time that we have a room without a crib in almost 5 years. We really have not had any space to ourselves since we have become parents, and that has always been hard for us. I am looking forward to a separate space that is not full of kids' stuff and maybe has some soothing quality to it. In our current situation, we are all on top of each other and I feel like it not only makes the kids incredibly anxious and crazy, it makes us feel suffocated. We literally cannot breathe. I just hope that this all ends soon and we can settle into a more expansive house that gives us a little more room to relax and grow.
Sofia is thrilled to have her own room and Luca wants to paint the boys' room black (his favorite color). I think we will have to settle for a black stripe. Sofia is very nervous about us being downstairs and tells everyone that she will have a microphone so that we will hear her when she needs us. I know that our home is transforming into a better space for our family, but the process is a bit grueling. Sofia has even yelled at the workers down the stairs to "STOP making SO much NOISE!" She struggles with the noise and I try to tell her that yelling at them, is not very nice and won't make them stop any way. She always asks me when this will all end. If only I knew.
you said it sister. can't wait til your house is finished. yay!
what a great picture!!!
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