Yesterday, as we were grilling in our backyard, Luca noticed his scooter tucked away in the corner. Brian's mother bought each of the kids a scooter earlier this year. These scooters are particularly special, adorned with stars for Luca, hearts for Sofia, and their name on each. Cute. We have taken them out a few times to ride their scooters but let's just say they have not quite mastered the art of scooter-riding. So yesterday, Luca was very determined to ride that scooter but unfortunately the chicken was ready so we had to go upstairs. Luca is an extremely focused child and needless to say, he was less than happy with the answer "no." Kicks and screams, jumps and thrashes soon passed as he realized that corn on the cob and barbecued chicken awaited him at the dinner table. So the night went on and the morning passed without a mere uttering of "soota" (that does not even come close to how he actually pronounces it...I cannot seem to find the right combination of letters to truly embody his unique way of saying scooter).
After Luca woke up from his nap today, he became fixated on riding his scooter. I had planned on going to Sunnyside park for a while before we were to pick up Sofia from school. I was trying to ignore his request because I thought that juggling Silvio, the stroller, and Luca on a scooter was a bit much for me to handle. Well, daddy steps in and can't seem to say no to the "soota" and convinces me that we will be just fine. Of course, as soon as we get into the car, Luca insists that he wears his helmet, gloves, kneepads, and elbow pads immediately. He wanted to hold his scooter, too, but I didn't think that was a good idea. I kept chuckling as I would look in my rear view mirror and see Luca with his big, red helmet and protective gear. So darn cute. We parked near the school and walked to the park. Actually Luca attempted to scoot, but I convinced him to push the scooter in the stroller, thankfully. We got there and Luca was so excited to finally get the chance to ride his scooter. He did fairly well, only falling a handful of times. He is really into it for a while until he spots the kid with the T-ball and he drops the scooter and runs saying, "I want my baseball game!" Luca seems to love baseball. He hit the ball around for a while until someone saw his scooter laying on the ground and decided to give it a whirl. Luca went flying saying "that is MY soota, MY soota!!" It was hilarious. He then kept the scooter near him for the rest of the time at the park. We definitely had fun today and I am excited to see Luca riding his scooter. He is so incredibly focused on any challenge and is determined to master whatever task he puts his mind to. I love that about him. Luca embodies his name in a way that I never could have imagined: "light."
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