Little Silvio is growing up so fast. Sometimes I can't believe that he isn't a newborn anymore. I had all three kids this weekend since Brian had to go to Dave's bachelor party. Poor Brian. Anyway, I was so anxious about taking care of the kids all weekend after a long week. Yesterday we had a shower for my sister at my mom's house, so we packed up lots of gear, lovies, clothes, and headed for my mom's around 9am. I had to make two dishes for the party, so I was busy cooking from the moment I arrived. Sofia and Luca headed straight for the back room to watch TV. The nug literally hung out with me in the kitchen. He is loving the jumpy seat that hangs in the doorway. His little legs kick so fast and he giggles as he bounces up and down. Seriously, it has to be the cutest thing I have ever seen (accept for my other two children doing the same thing!). I could watch him for hours in that thing. Silvio has come a long way from a very unhappy newborn to a squealing, bouncing, incredibly happy baby boy. The beginning of our journey with Silvio was very bumpy, full of anxiety and tears, both his and mine. He was a nervous little baby from birth and had lots of trouble with his belly. He had colick or relfux, whatever you want to call it, but in my book, he was very unhappy and difficult to soothe. I felt like this was unfair since we could not always give him all of our attention and I was left feeling torn up and heartbroken. He would cry so loudly and was so inconsolable. I felt incredibly defeated. He was not soothed by nursing and would pop off and immediately scream. We did not have a "button" for him; there wasn't one particular thing that calmed Silvio. Rather, we were left trying all sorts of holds, the pacifier, swing, the mobile until he would relax. The first three months were truly difficult for all of us.
Yesterday, as Silvio was passed around the room from aunt to cousin to family friend, everyone was commenting on how "mellow" he is and that he "is such a great baby." And I could not agree more. Silvio is such a happy guy, smiling constantly and happily engaging with new faces. He has come a long way from the inconsolable newborn of three months ago. Now that he is getting enough to eat and is a deliciously chunky little guy, he is able to show his true colors. I always had a feeling that this little baby was special. Now he is able to shine nug love to the world. I tell ya', that is just what this world needs. I love my schnug, nug, schnuggums, my darling Silvio.
1 comment:
nug love! i love it!
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