Sofia and Luca just started playing "I Spy" in the car. Sofia always begins with a very relevant, "I spy a red sign with letters" and we take turns noticing the things around us. Luca is hilarious because he cannot quite say any word that begins with an "s" and is followed by a consonant. So "spoon" is "foon" and "sponge" is fonge." So yesterday when Luca's turn came up in our game Luca would say "I fye a big, big truck with letters." Not only was I cracking up because he kept saying "i fye" but he kept repeating the same thing: "I fye a big, big black truck" and then it was "I fye a big, big red truck" (He really likes trucks). I loved playing the game with Sofia and Luca and I am coninually amazed at how Sofia is learning more and more concepts every day. The other day we had an outing "just the girls." She put on a special dress and then began to pack her purse for our trip. She had her wallet, sunglasses, a lucky stone, and Flounder from the Little Mermaid. As we left the house, she had her purse on her shoulder and looked at me, her eyes full of excitement and said, "Mommy, I have apurse just like you!" I just love having a little girl. Sofia loves to spend time with me and I remind myself to take in these sweet little moments because I know how quickly time passes and things change.
Sofia is such an emotional little girl and she can express herself so eloquently. The other night as soon as we put her down, she started to scream. Brian immediately rushed into the room and pulled her out. We both scolded her for her loud voice since Silvio was already asleep. She began to cry intensely and I realized in that moment that she felt badgered and scared. I ran over to her , scooped her up, and brought her to the couch. I cradled her in my arms and told her that she was safe and that we get upset when she uses a loud voice when Silvio is sleeping (she tends to speak very loudly these days). She looked at me with those huge brown eyes and said "I don't it when you yell at me Mommy and Daddy- it makes me very upset and scared. So please don't yell at me." I told her that we made a mistake and that we didn't mean to hurt her feelings. She then replied "Kids make mistakes and sometimes grown-ups make mistkes too. That's okay Mommy and Daddy, I still love you." Brian and I looked at each other, mouths open and eyes filled with tears. I felt so proud of her for being able to express her feelings in such a clear way. Sofia is an intuitive and perceptive child. The name Sofia means "wisdom." I never thought she would embrace her name in such a beautiful and splendid way.
again, so love your honest. love the way you touch on each kid. you are one helluva mama!
I miss you!! Cell phone is so dead and I have been MIA all weekend! Off the blog train too! I will call you from work tomorrow. Miss your kids. Love you! M
looking at this again--are you guys at stonestown in this pic? love your sugar girl!
Yes we are at Stonestown! Girlfriend loves to shop! Thank you both for your sweet comments- and all of your kind words. I am so grateful for awesome mamas!
That girl is something else! I remember noting her ability to express her emotions verbally to you that time that Tilla and I visited. It's remarkable.
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