Our little girl is quite the old soul. Sofia basks in her girlness in every way she can from glitter glue to flowered tights. She loves every single thing about being a little girl. Sofia is also wise beyond her time and slips little phrases, simple thoughts that often surprise Brian and I. The other day during a typical dinner where neither Brian nor I sit for more than a minute at a time, Sofia was talking quite a bit. We have this ongoing problem with both Sofia and Luca, where they use an incredibly loud voice to say everything. It is terribly annoying and no matter how much we ask them politely to use a "softer voice" they still shout. Maybe it is because we have 3 small children in a a small house, so they feel like they need to yell to get our attention. That is fair enough, but I can't begin to describe how grating all of the yelling can be in our tinymhouse. Anyway, that evening Sofia began to talk about our family. She looked at me and said thoughtfully, "Mommy, we all need to take care of ourselves. You have to take care of yourself and Daddy has to take care of himself." She continued to talk about Luca and Silvio and herself. Sofia has this way of using her hand when she speaks (I wonder where that comes from...). It is quite hilarious and extremely cute. She is so expressive and enthusiastic when she speaks. This night in particular she used her hands as usual, and her loud voice to say something so intuitive and reflective. I am in awe of her wisedom and how she continues to live up to the true meaning of her name. She is a teacher, a listener, and my sweet little glittery girl.
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