So this whole construction mayhem has turned me into a once-a-month or even less blogger. Our downstairs is literally a dirt pit, so we have no space for an office. Brian takes the laptop to work every day, so I am left without a computer. Poor me. I am planning on buying myself a laptop soon so that I can continue to blog about these three precious children that are changing and growing every second it seems. The past month has been full of changes in our home. Lots of conversations about design, construction, money, and time. Needless to say, it has been stressful, but we know that all of these changes will only make our home more comfortable and spacious which means everything to us right now! We now have 800 square feet for all five of us and three cats. Come on now. We are on top of each other and wake each other up constantly. Once we are done with all of the work, we will have on demand water, radiant heat, a master bedroom, a small office space, a sitting room, and a beautiful space in our backyard. YAY! We are really looking forward to expanding our home and a rest from the construction. We truly have done our fair share of owkr over the last five years. We have remodeled two homes, including kitchens and backyards. Although I love the designing process, I am ready to feel settled in my home for once.
The kids are so excited about their new space. Sofia wants to paint her room "tinkerbelle" which is a bright green and Luca wants to paint the boys' room black. That kids loves black. I told him that maybe we could do green and orange with a black stripe. It will be so great for our kids to actually own their space. Right now, Luca goes to bed in a crib in our room and is transferred to the other room around 10 pm. Sofia and Silvio go to sleep together in their room. It is quite a fiasco and I am looking forward to having our own room wihtout a crib in it. We have had a crib in our room since Sofia was born. Romantic, right? Thus is the life of parents. Your focus becomes sleep and rest for the entire family even if that means a crib in your room for years. I am hoping that this new space will be a retreat for me, for us. Maybe we will have a hot tub and can slip downstairs once the kids are down and enjoy some wine, a view, and eachother for an hour before we have to go to bed or a child wakes up. I am hopeful. I think that we all need a bit more space in this house, including the children. At the moment, Silvio is terribly interested in whatever Sofia and Luca are doing and seems to crawl his way into the middle of their "castle" and "ruin everything." The kids, especially Luca, yell at him so much and it breaks my heart. Maybe when we have more room, I can take Silvio away from their "castle" or "beach" or whatever it is they are creating in that moment, and we can have some time together. Silvio is in such a great place right now and I am, as usual, desparately trying to take it all in. He is communicating quite a bit with signs and sounds. He is not walking yet which is a little crazy at 15 months, but he is doing so many amazing things. I don't think he'll be crawling in college, so I'm not worried. He is doing everything in his own nug time. I am grateful for that. I hope that we get through this construction as quickly as possible so that we can settle into our little home and take a deep breath. And maybe I will have a laptop soon so that I can blog more often. Seriously.